Tuesday, July 15, 2008

imaginary dating = real life

Isn't it just so awkward when you realize your friend thinks you're dating? As an imaginative person, I can see how one might imagine how life would be if they were dating... I dunno, Bob. But when the imagination takes over the "reality comprehension" part of the brain, problems can occur. Like, when my brain starts thinking that I'm a superhero in real life and can wear fancy jumpsuits with capes and bounce around with authority and whimsical flare. However, I don't start thinking that my real life boyfriend is Orlando Bloom and he's just on location somewhere and therefore not taking me to see Batman in the theater.

You have a friend, let's say her name is Sally. You're Bob. Sally moves into your town, which is cool because you're friends already, and there's not many people in your town, so you guys can have someone to hang out with in Town X. Fun! Until... all of the sudden...

DA NA... DA NA... DA NA... (Jaws Theme...)

"Bob, you're the best boyfriend ever! I love you SO MUCH!"

dedicated to the brown-bag breathing boy in this situation. good luck.

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