Originally aired last July, Michael Rutzen (Sharkman) is able to hypnotize sharks into a sleep-like trance by gently touching them. When inverted, a shark reaches an almost paralyzed state.
In the below clip, the Sharkman is able to gently massage the nose, causing the shark to practically go limp, allowing him to guide the body upwards to invert the shark, then balancing it on his hand. In another clip (not attached, you have to watch Shark Week to see it), he touches the animal's nose with both hands, immobilizing it, sending the shark limp, and sinking 75 feet into the sea before Sharkman let go. Once he releases his touch, the shark resumes and swims off. The interesting thing about it, is that after he introduces himself with just a small touch, the shark becomes curious, coming back for more.
When he attempted tonic on a great white, he experienced something even more incredible. The first great white, a 10 foot female, allowed him to use tonic on her for just a moment, sending her into the sleep-like trance. It was only for a short moment, and afterwards, she swam around him slowly, showing her belly-- a submissive gesture he had never seen before. About to attempt tonic again, something scared her off. From beneath them emerged a 15 foot great white, also female. The Sharkman slowly introduced himself to her by gently stroking her side as she passed him. She swam back around, accepting him. He very gently took hold of her dorsal fin, and took a ride.
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